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Hello AI
Real Socratic AI is on the bench, waiting to get in the game and solve the devastating teacher shortage.
Volume 1 Issue 1
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(ET) Magazine is dedicated to providing the information and context necessary to advance the efficacy of technology used in education. Our articles are carefully selected by our editorial advisory board and are written by the finest minds in the world of EdTech. Copyright 2022 Global Education Media.
(ET) Magazine is published six times per year by Global Education Media, Sal Gerardo, Chairman.
Editorial Board of Advisors
Robyn D. Shulman, CEO, EdNews Daily; Robert Iskander, CEO, GG4L; Adam Geller, Founder, Edthena; Victor Rivero, CEO, EdTech Digest; Daylene Long, CEO, CatapultX; Olli Vallo, CEO, Education Alliance Finland; Stephen Wakefield, SVP, Discovery Education; Sal Gerardo, Chairman, Global Education Media; Charlie Warhaftig, Managing Director, Global Education Media; Jim Snyder, CMO, Quality Matters; William Artz, Principal, SFA LLC
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The Fantastic and Troubled History of the Video Phone - Flashbak | Retro futurism, Future school, Retro futuristic

From the Editor

When I was asked by the publisher to do some editing on this new publication, I was flattered, and frankly, a bit surprised. After all, it is a collection of stories about the future of education. And as I write this column, I know I have significantly more years behind me than ahead of me. In fact, I dare say that many of my memories can be read about in history books. So, why did the board want an old man to edit their bouncing baby publication?

I believe it has something to do with context.

Education’s innovations are coming fast and furious now, and many believe the days of readin’ and writin’ and rithmatic are long gone, as are the days when teachers were the arbiters of what makes good learning.

Inflation, Recession, and Global Warfare …
(Degree or No Degree?)
The Wizard of Oz (Lions And Tigers And Bears) - YouTube thumbnail

By Robert Iskander

As high school seniors and community college students start their new academic year this fall, anxiety is high from what they are hearing on the news: Over 5 million Ukrainian refugees are looking for jobs; meanwhile, global companies are laying off staff and tightening their spending. Many countries are experiencing weak economies because of a record 10% annual inflation.

The cost of living is going up, interest rates are going up, unemployment is going up. It seems as if bad news is everywhere. So, what should a soon-to-graduate student be doing at this stage? Should they apply for college loans to fund a higher education degree? Should they just get any job for now since minimum wages are going up as well? Or is there a better career alternative at this stage?

(There’s a Hole)
in the Bottom of the Sea
From the Top, By Charlie Warhaftig
hole in the sea
Many of you who have had small children probably remember the children’s song, There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea. It starts out very simply, but with each verse, it becomes more complicated.

In education, there is a hole in the bottom of the sea, and through that hole, criminal enterprises are stealing your data by increasing numbers of magnitudes.

I’m not sure if it is because schools are considered easy pickings, but at present, the education industry is the world’s most popular industry for data thieves. In fact, 56 percent of K-12 schools worldwide reported being hit by a ransomware attack last year, according to a Sophos study called, The State of Ransomware in Education 2022.

(With AI)

There is No Limit to
What We Can Accomplish
By Sal Gerardo
robotic arm building a robotic hologram
“A student is not a container you have to fill, but a torch you have to light up.”
— Albert Einstein
Education has challenges, some of which were brought on by the pandemic, and some that were brought on because education has been painfully slow to change and move with the rest of the world and the rest of the world’s industries. These challenges, if we are not careful, will bite us in the backside so hard they will hear us screaming on Mars.
The Transformation
of the Classroom:
(Crazy Today, Obvious Tomorrow)
VR metaverse science lab
By Steve Grubbs
Many schools have a human cadaver lab for their biology majors; but because of the expense, many schools cannot afford one. That is why we worked with Fisk University, an HBCU in Nashville, Tennessee, to develop a cadaver lab that could work for them better than the cadaver lab across town at Vanderbilt University. Here is how we did it.

Using the expertise of experts like Wendy Martin, national runner-up teacher of the year, and others, we built a virtual reality cadaver lab that included the organ systems of a human body. But even more than that, this lab is synchronous, meaning the entire class can come into the room at the same time, and be joined by their professor. Stop and think about this for a minute. These students might be miles apart — they might be hundreds of miles apart — but in that cadaver lab, they stand right next to each other. As the professor teaches, she may take her hand and plunge it into the chest cavity of the human cadaver and pull the heart out (not dripping in blood, like the movies, but anatomically perfect).

a man holding binoculars with the Facebook logo in place of the lenses

The Real State
of Children’s Privacy

By Claire Quinn
For over 20 years, the United States Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) has been the gold standard in privacy protections globally. However, it covers children 12 or under with no protections for teenage children between the ages of 13 and 17 years. With implementing the Act, many disgruntled online services claimed the requirements were too onerous. Some simply added a “get out of jail free card” to their terms of service, stating they were not for children under the age of 13. Weak “age gates,” that children could easily circumvent, have led to the use of services that are inappropriate and harmful to young users, which have failed to protect their privacy. Many services have actual knowledge that children are using them, but deliberately ignore this, treating kids as commodities — exploiting data to generate vast profits. The FTC enforces COPPA, as can the State Attorneys General, but enforcement has been sporadic over the years. The importance of children’s privacy has not been a priority, though FTC approved. COPPA Safe Harbors have battled to support the tiny percentage of online services that have joined their programs to open up to scrutiny and assessment and get it right for children.
Scaling Pockets of Achievement to a System of Excellence for All With Evidence Infrastructure
By Karl Rectanus
Len box
What started with projected images printed on glass plates in 1870 has evolved, improved, and advanced to the education technology (EdTech) teachers and students rely on every day. Schools, districts, and society expect a lot from our technology now, from leveling the education playing field to keeping America competitive by bridging the significant modern learning needs for students and our workforce.

But while there are clearly pockets of innovation that improve achievement, equity, and outcomes, we have hobbled our education system by not investing in the basic research and development infrastructure other sectors have. Without a connected infrastructure where states, districts, and key stakeholders can share evidence of what is working more quickly and cost-effectively, our system will remain siloed and our children, our communities, and our nation’s competitiveness will suffer.

hand with pen drawing words 360 degrees with circular arrow

A 360-Degree View of Data
is Key to Supporting Learners:

(Here is Why)
By James Stoffer
It takes a village to support the whole child, and to set that child up for success in life. That village includes school administration and staff, community partners and families. But most villages cannot support the whole child today. Why? Because each stakeholder only has a small window into the big picture.

Schools see test scores. Community partners see program attendance. Families see announcements, and each stakeholder sees siloed learning tools. They do not share information. They do not communicate. The learning community is closed off. Only 5-10% of that data passes back to the administrator dashboard, where only a few people can access it. This results in learning communities becoming adult centric, not at all student-centered.

EdTech with colored boxes
By Todd Wirt
Driving ROI on Your School System’s EdTech Resources in the Post-Pandemic World:

Five Key Questions to Consider

In many districts, the pandemic era of emergency teaching meant an unprecedented uptick in EdTech solutions entering the teaching and learning environment. As school systems nationwide navigate the post-COVID world, ensuring ROI on EdTech resources is top of the mind for school leaders.

But how should school leaders frame their evaluation of the various EdTech resources currently used by teachers across their school system? Throughout my more than 20 years in public education and my experience in the EdTech world, most recently in my current role as vice president of partner success at Discovery Education, I have found that answering the following five questions is an important starting point toward ensuring your school system is deriving maximum value from EdTech investments.

Network of Expo Achievement Schools
– Horizon Room Open Mic Sessions
man and woman speaking in studio
The Horizon Room, hosted by the Learning Counsel, is a space for educators to come together to share challenges, solutions and innovations, or just bounce ideas off other like-minded professionals. Basically, it’s about everything on the immediate horizon for schools…hence the name.

Each session we will bring in all our research, industry experience, partnerships, and connections to help educators navigate what’s on the horizon and learn from each other.

Not a member of the Network of Expo Achievement Schools yet? No problem! The Horizon Room Open Mic Sessions are open to all educators. Of course, you get more out of a membership, but definitely join the Open Mic sessions and take advantage of collaboration with peers.

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