Katie Adorno Reflects on Leanlab’s First 10 Years
The Rocky Relationship Between Data and Dignity
By Joel Backon
AI Literacy: The Newest 21st Century Competency
By Angelo Biasi
Codesigning the Future of Education: Reflecting on Leanlab Education’s First Decade Our Cover Story
By Katie Boody Adorno
Why Investors Have Reasons to Return to EdTech in 2024 and Beyond
By Colin Gillespie
By Kiran Kodithala and Lee Lambert
Now Students Can Connect with Professionals to Test Drive a Career
By ET Magazine Staff Reports
Report: The Urgent Case for Systemic AI Literacy – Now
By Angelo Biasi
ET Magazine is published six times per year by Digital Education Media.
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The Rocky Relationship Between Data and Dignity
During my 40-plus years of integrating technology into business and education, the biggest obstacles were not faulty products or excessive costs, but the objections of people. Those same people were also the heroes of education technology because some had the vision to see the bigger picture and the potential implications of new tools before anyone else. Early in my career, I found those objections particularly grating because they were what separated me and my technology from the world of successful, completed projects. It took moving to an elite boarding school as IT director to reframe and refocus what I now consider truly important when we introduce technology to people: setting up the balance between data and dignity, the idea that we must consider people and their agency when responsibly implementing and using technology.
Reflecting on Leanlab Education’s First Decade
One morning, ten years ago, I was having heart palpitations in the parking lot outside my school. Exhaustion and anxiety had taken hold.
Why Investors
Have Reasons to
Return to EdTech
in 2024 and
By Colin Gillespie
Embracing AI: Navigating Job
Evolution and Thriving in the
Future Workplace
By Kiran Kodithala and Lee Lambert
In January, 2024, I conducted a survey of high school students (the “students,” or “future workforce”) so I could learn more of what their self-aware level of AI proficiency is; how they feel about its potential impact on their future jobs/careers; if they felt they were prepared/preparing for a possible AI-infused workforce; and what was their level of readiness, or literacy, that existing resources (in/out of school) are currently providing, or not providing.
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