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Science is Having A Lightbulb Moment typography

See Ted Willard on Page 14

Volume 1 Issue 4

Volume 1 Issue 4


Charles Paul Sosnik
Associate Editor
Ian Egan
Art Director
Monty Todd
Account Manager
Kristina Holloway
Web Services
Max Shulman

(ET) Magazine is dedicated to providing the information and context necessary to advance the efficacy of technology used in education. Our articles are carefully selected by our editorial advisory board and are written by the finest minds in the world of EdTech.

On the cover: The cover art for this issue came to us by way of an art and poetry contest run by astronaut John Shoffner from the International Space Station. 930 students from 26 countries creatively answered the question, “What would it look like if we lived in space?” The contest was hosted in collaboration with Limitless Space Institute and Crayola Experience. This watercolor and pencil image was created by a six year old artist named Maria Korchagin. We look for great things from Maria.

(ET) Magazine is published four times per year by Digital Education Media.

Editorial Board of Advisors

Robyn Robyn Shulman, CEO, EdNews Daily; Robert Iskander, CEO, GG4L; Adam Gellar, Founder, Edthena; Victor Rivero, CEO, EdTech Digest; Daylene Long, CEO, CatapultX; Olli Vallo, CEO, Education Alliance Finland; Stephen Wakefield, EVP, Discovery Education; Sal Geraldo,Chairman, Value Spring Technology ; Charlie Warhaftig, CEO, SBA Global Consulting; Dave Whitmire, Managing Director, Digital Education Media; Jim Snyder, CMO, Quality Matters, Kevin Dorsey Ed.D., Strategic Solutions Engineer, Beacon; Eileen Belastock, CEO, Belastock Consulting

For comments, suggestions, permissions, or to submit an article, please email:

From the Editor
a left hand holds a glowing lightbulb in the focus in the foreground while the right hands writes in a notebook out of focus in the background

The Greatest Minds
in the World (of EdTech)

I rather like the editorial direction of the new ET Magazine. It feels like it is getting stronger with each issue, and it also feels very different from every other EdTech (and education) magazine or website anywhere on planet earth.

The Purpose of Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Black and white photo of early 20th century classroom
The Purpose of Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

By Garrett Smiley

Traditional school is not even preparing students for this modern world, let alone for the bizarre sci-fi future that’s about to knock down our door.

The EdTech Problems of
Tomorrow are being
Solved TODAY

By Angelo Biasi

A Lightbulb Moment: The Shift from Just Learning about Science to Figuring Out Phenomena title

By Ted Willard

Science education is changing in the state of Texas. There are new standards. There will be new tests. And while it is often hard to adapt to new changes, these changes are needed, because our current methods of teaching and learning are not as effective as we need them to be.
It's Time to Break the Myth of the "Math Person"
little girl writing a math problem on whiteboard and smiling

By Jamie Candee

When I was in elementary school, I struggled. I couldn’t read and most subjects felt impossible to learn. But then my second-grade teacher took an interest in my education.

Title Image the story behind world's first free kid friendly streaming service
By Jonathan Kendrick

By Jeannette Lee-Parikh

woman using holographic display
You must have heard about the debacle with the AP African American History class. Rest assured, I am not going to rehash it. Instead, this wholly predictable episode (given the fraught intersection of race and the current political landscape) reveals part of what is wrong with the current industrial model of education: the emphasis on testing knowledge acquisition. The real question is: How is it that the billion-dollar business model of a private company, which exists to make money ranking and sorting our students, is not inspiring more outrage in the 21st century when AI can reproduce the answers since the approach is about the breadth of coverage? Just to be clear, I am not rejecting the AP African American History class; instead, my question is: Why is the race to cover information still so much the focus of education?
digital people in an office setting
Education 2050:

A Vision Guided by Kurzweil’s Prophetic Insights

By John Kelly

Ray Kurzweil, the renowned Director of Engineering at Google, has made a staggering 147 predictions in his lifetime, boasting an impressive accuracy rate of 86%. In his groundbreaking book, “The Singularity is Near,” Kurzweil presents many thought-provoking outlooks on the future.

Web 3.0:

The Future in
One, Two, Three

By Eric Pulier

The coming of Web3 holds immense promise for the education field. By leveraging blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, virtual spaces, and programmable NFTs, the way we teach and learn is on the cusp of being significantly reshaped. In this article, I’ll explore the potential of Web3 for education, both now and in the future, empowering learners, educators, and institutions to create a more collaborative and effective ecosystem.

screen capture image from a Penn Graduate School of Education Dress Code Intervention simulation showing a woman wearing a halter top sitting the other side of an office desk
A Great Method for Professional Development
By Ken Spero

There is a silent crisis undermining School Reform. The data below paint a stark picture of the challenge facing the education space today. In any major organizational change effort, especially in a context as complex as the education system, leadership is a key ingredient to success. Of course, leadership can be defined in many different ways and it is clear that different forms of leadership are required for different situations. However, the ability to communicate, coordinate, and make decisions is key under any circumstance. Given that approach, for our purposes, Leadership can be at all levels including System/District, Building, Department, or Classroom.

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